Table of Contents


we could record insects with hydrophone but a lot of them speak with ultrasonic frequency (up to 16000Hz), bats also use also this frequency as a sonar, and some others animals… this is recording made with special device that translate those communications.


April 2016 - Broceliande - FR

August 2008 - Norfolk - UK

July 2007 - Correze

19 juillet 2007 - Pommerie

amplification of Formica Sanguinea made with a piezo in the forest of Pommerie (correze)

july 2005 - south of France

Simple amplification of Ants activities (made with a piezo) in a camping in the south west of France


with Ultrasound detector D100 - Pettersson

21 juillet 2007 -Gouffre de la Fage

Recording made at the exit of the gouffre when the bats goes out to hunt

we catched 4 species :

le grand rinolophe

rinolophe euryale

le minioptére de schreibers

le grand murin

download all the recordings
